Jack Black, known for his role as the beloved panda Po in DreamWorks Animation’s Kung Fu Panda franchise, recently shared an exciting update about the upcoming Kung Fu Panda 4 movie. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Black revealed that his band, Tenacious D, is working on a song for either the opening or end credits of the highly anticipated sequel.
This announcement comes amid heightened anticipation for Kung Fu Panda 4, especially since it was previously hinted that promotional activity for the film would kick off during the 97th Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. While fans eagerly await more official news or a trailer for the movie, Black’s revelation about Tenacious D’s involvement offers a tantalizing glimpse into what’s in store.
Despite the lack of a trailer, Black assured fans that Kung Fu Panda 4 is still on track for its scheduled release next year. This confirmation should help alleviate any concerns about potential delays.
The delay in releasing the trailer may be attributed to various factors, including the recent conclusion of industry strikes involving actors and writers. DreamWorks Animation likely wants to ensure that the promotional campaign for Kung Fu Panda 4 aligns with the participation of its star-studded cast, which includes Hollywood luminaries like Jack Black, Jackie Chan, Angelina Jolie, and more.
With Tenacious D lending their musical talents to the film and the anticipation building among fans, Kung Fu Panda 4 promises to deliver another exciting adventure when it hits theaters on March 29, 2024.