During filming for “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,” Josh Hutcherson, known for his role as Peeta Mellark, found himself facing a daunting challenge. Recounting the experience while promoting his latest project, “The Beekeeper,” Hutcherson revealed a memorable moment when he literally ran as fast as Tom Cruise from “Mission: Impossible.”
The scene in question took place in Hawaii, amidst the lush jungle setting. Hutcherson recalled how the production team set up a camera on a wire rig to capture his sprinting through the dense foliage. They instructed him to run at full speed, incorporating a stunt movement into the sequence.
Despite his initial hesitation, Hutcherson obliged, pushing himself to run as fast as he could. To his surprise, he exceeded the camera’s capabilities, forcing the crew to adjust and increase the camera’s speed to keep up with him. Ultimately, they discovered that he had matched the speed of Tom Cruise’s famous sprinting prowess.
Reflecting on the experience with a mix of astonishment and pride, Hutcherson humorously remarked on how the crew had underestimated him. He jokingly added that this achievement might as well become the highlight of his resume.
You can watch the full interview on The Nerds of Color’s YouTube channel for a firsthand account of Hutcherson’s exhilarating moment on set.